Represents a chat message in the Google Vertex AI chat model.


  • GoogleVertexAIChatMessage



content: string
name?: string


  • Extracts the role of a generic message and maps it to a Google Vertex AI chat author.


    • message: ChatMessage

      The chat message to extract the role from.

    Returns GoogleVertexAIChatAuthor

    The role of the message mapped to a Google Vertex AI chat author.

  • Creates a new Google Vertex AI chat message from a base message.


    • message: BaseMessage

      The base message to convert.

    • model: string

      The model to use for conversion.

    Returns GoogleVertexAIChatMessage

    A new Google Vertex AI chat message.

  • Maps a message type to a Google Vertex AI chat author.


    • message: BaseMessage

      The message to map.

    • model: string

      The model to use for mapping.

    Returns GoogleVertexAIChatAuthor

    The message type mapped to a Google Vertex AI chat author.

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